Flag alerts from NC
Youth Activities
The VFW and Auxiliary sponsor many programs for the youth of our nation.
We sponsor programs in schools on drug awareness, patriotism, supporting our veterans, etc. We sponsor and work with youth organizations like the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church youth groups, etc.
Scholarship Programs
There are a variety of local and nationwide VFW competitions where students can win scholarship money for college. We have:
- Voice of Democracy (VOD) - a speech writing competition, where 9th through 12th grade students write and deliver their speech on a cassette tape. Each year's theme is selected by the National Commander-in-Chief. Student deadline for submission of an entry is November 1 each year.
- Patriot's Pen Essay Contest - where 6th, 7th and 8th grade students submit a 300 to 400 word written essay, on a patriotic theme selected by National. Student deadline for submission of an entry is November 1 each year.
- Scout of fthe Year - Some of our earliest ties to the community involve youth groups and perhaps none are stronger or more lasting than the relationship between the VFW and America's scouting organizations. In fact, our partnership with the Boy Scouts of America dates back to 1915 when VFW Post 2100 helped to establish Troop 1 in Everett, Washington. Our Scout of the Year program provides members of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts who display standout citizenship, patriotism and love of country with the opportunity to be rewarded with college scholarships of up to $5,000.
- Young American Creataive Patriotic Art - where high school students submit original art work with a patriotic theme. Student deadline for submission of an entry is March 29.
- Illustrating America - Open to all students in grades 1-8 at time of local entry and a US citizen or US National. It will be judged on patriotic theme and technique. The Department first-place winner in each grade division will be forwarded to Auxiliary National Headquarters. Please see brochure. Deadlines for entry is March 31.
- Get Excited for the Red, White and Blue! - NEW! for 2020-21 This is an individual National Anthem singing contest for youth ages 6-16 by entry deadline. Open to youth ages six to 16 years at the time of local entry and a US citizen or US national. Entry will be judged on vocal ability, mastery of lyrics, originality or interpretation and entertainment value. Contestant must live or attend school in the state of the sponsoring VFW Auxiliary. The Department first-place winner will be forwarded to VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters. Please see entry form at vfwauxiliary.org/what-we-do/youth-activities/ for eligibility requirements and contestDeadlines for entry is March 31.
The North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs offers a number of scholarships to qualified children of some veterans and former POWs.
The North Carolina VFW State organization also offer scholarships to the children and grandchildren of our members, who are rising Seniors in high school, and who plan on attending a North Carolina college. Preliminary applications must be submitted by February 15.