The VFW Auxiliary offers 4 scholarships each year at the National level to assist members who wish to further their education by pursuing a college degree or a career direction at technical school. The spouse, daughter, and son of a member ONLY are also eligible to apply. One scholarship will be presented each year to a selected candidate in each of the four VFW Auxiliary Conferences. Since NC is in the Southern Conference, that is teh one that an person would apply for. Applicant must be 18 years of age or older. Qualifying member must have been a member of the VFW Auxiliary for one year or more prior to application. Previous national winners are not eligible. Complete the application in full and MAIL as directed to Director of Programs, VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters, 406 W. 34th St. 10th Floor, Kansas City, Mo. 64111 so that it is received by February 15. |