Packages for Patriots

The Post is participating in a Garner area wide campaign to send packages to our troops overseas. The Packages for Patriots project is co-sponsored by the Garner Chamber of Commerce, and other Garner area organizations. Together we are raising funds to support the project. The organization is also collecting names of deployed troops from Garner. If you have a name to add, please contact the Post at 772-1062.

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Packages for Patriots

Supporting our members and adopted units
Our Post has adopted several Military units in the area. Also, we have members serving in the War on Terror. Please read the latest information from each.
  US Army 535th MP Unit - Returned May
  US Army 805th MP Unit  25 members deployed
  Post members deployed

See an Armed Forces Tribute

Support our Troops

The Post is participating in a Garner area wide campaign to send packages to our troops overseas. The Packages for Patriots project is co-sponsored by the Garner Chamber of Commerce, and other Garner area organizations. Together we are raising funds to support the project. The organization is also collecting names of deployed troops from Garner. If you have a name to add, please contact the Post at 772-1062.

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