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Legislative Programs

When our young people put on the uniform of our nation, they took on an obligation. So should we!

The VFW was founded for the purpose of service to veterans, and legislative activism. Supporting the Legislative Goals of the VFW is one of the most important things we do. For if we don't protect our veterans rights, and promote a strong military, then who will? Here a a few of the tools we have to help:

The VFW Action Corps' mission is to inform and educate members and supporters on initiatives and policies that affect veterans; to communicate and promote the VFW viewpoint before Congress, and to encourage greater grassroots participation in the democratic process through increased communication with congressional officials. The Action Corps conducts on-going letter writing campaigns to maintain its effectiveness as the premier grassroots lobbying network.

The VFW Foundation is separate from the VFW, its commitment is the same: improving the lives of veterans and service personnel, their families and their communities. This 501c(3) not-for-profit organization that relies on public donations to support programs that promote our goals.

The VFW's National Legislative Service Office in Washington monitors all legislation affecting veterans. It alerts VFW members to key veterans legislation under consideration and actively lobbies Congress and the Administration on veterans issues. It is often called upon to assist congressional staffs in preparing veterans legislation. To keep VFW members current on sensitive issues concerning national security and foreign affairs, this office researches issues and events, then provides timely and accurate information through VFW publication and special reports.

A recent addition to the Washington D.C. office is the Tactical Assessment Center, a 24-hour help line for veterans with questions or concerns about VA entitlements. (1-800-VFW-1899)

View the VFW's Priority Goals from the VFW Washington Office website.

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South Wake County Post 10225 - 1706 West Garner Road, Garner, NC 27529
Phone (919) 772-1062